Some Common Anime Terms: I've
created this page for those who want to have something to start with in learning
Japanese (in anime, that is).
These are just some of the common terms though..
Aho - moron
Ohayou - good morning
Baka - idiot
Sayonara - goodbye
Watashi - I
Onee-chan - brother/sister
Omae - you
Onegai - please
Koko - here
Kore - this
Konnichiwa - greeting (in person)
Chotto Matte - wait a minute
Matte kudasai - please wait
dare - who
arigato - thank you
hayakuu - hurry
minna - everyone/everybody
okaa-san - mother
obaa-san - auntie
kawaii - cute
betsumi - not really
iie - no
hai - yes
gan batte! - work hard!
Please e-mail me if you
want to correct or comment on anything.