About This Layout:
Featuring Sha Gojyo from Gensomaden Saiyuki! Layout was tested on IE5.5, NS7 and Opera 7 -- It works fine. Image is edited from Arjenteam. Font used is called Technine and you can download it at High Fonts. Swirly brushes are from Nocturna.NET.

About the site:
(cool layout huh?^^) This is a non-profit site I've made to show my love for anime and nonstop. My site is fairly new, love the Saiyuki boys! (mega million thanks to Miko Reznor for the layout^^!) Please note that most of the content here I have gathered around the web, they are not originally mine.. anyway, let me know on the guestbook if you're gonna use anything from here on your site. also, please help me build this site with your contributions, kindly e-mail me.



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Friday, July 4, 2003 10:11pm

Added more pages including anime terms, etc. 'check 'em out

Tuesday, July 1, 2003

Added page for Samurai x and a couple of voting links and more links,.. am so sleepy.. Ja!

Sunday, June 29, 2003

Yay! added button of anime3100 please visit them, you can find a lotta anime sites there. Also added the Hunter x Hunter page, please check that out!

Saturday, June 28, 2003 1:00am

Woohee.. I just finished watching nonstop, Jung Da-bin doing a part-time job? teehee.. I finally added some pages, mhy fwiendships, hajime no ippo and link me, link you

Thursday, June 26, 2003 9:23pm

Hey.. Sorry if work in this site is really slow, I just am so getting deranged with the school stuff and all.. Anyways, I'm currently working on arranging the navigation for each and every page.. just put up the hits counter and guestbook tonight. Earlier, I had this so-weird-experience, I was surfing and there came so many pop-ups of hentai and crappy stuff like that (I do not and will never ever surf a hentai site in my life!) then there was also a non-responsive window that read, "Inbox". I wasn't signed in that time, so I was kinda creeped out thinking there was some freaky hacker guy aor sumtin'.. when I pressed ctrl+alt+del to end task the inbox window, everything came with it! still don't know, was that really a hacker or is it just some prob with my comp.?

Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:10pm

Heheh.. I'm so glad I had the time to work on this today. Although I'm still supposed to read my El Fili later for a report...  Hmm.. (*why don't you and I* playing in the background). I also opened the page for Aoshi-sama! Please check that out! Ja ne!

Monday, June 23, 2003 'round 10pm

Well, I've just created the site, um, I went from geocities to fortune city.. I also had troubles with the other layout I was supposed to use.. I hope this will be ok when I view it myself.. What the heck??! At least I got made it huh? Umm.. so far, the pages that already somewhat ok to view are kim, jerry, and the about me link... GOMEN...

This site will be forever under construction due to......, Also, I'm planning to either surf more to learn more about html or I can just buy a book. I've already seen some sites with tutorials but they just teach more on the basic html and stuff.. I still don't know.. Well, I have to go off you know, sleep early for tomorrow's classes... Ja!

Gensomaden Saiyuki © Minekura Kazuya, et al. Site is owned by ada. Layout designed by Miko Reznor.

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