Here are some images you can use to link to me:
Here is a 60x60 avatar and 200x40 banner.
The complete URL for the site is
If you want me to link you:
First things first, no hentai/ecchi!
Site must be about anime, it may also be about
something else, though I particularly want it to be about anime somehow.
Don't give me a broken link
I don't care of you have your own domain or if you're
on a free site, as long as you run the site properly
simply e-mail me with
The name of your site
(what you call your site-ex. mine I call .:Tightrope)
The complete URL of your
website (complete, otherwise you'll make it hard for me)
Its description (a short
summary of what your site is all about)
A banner or button (any
size will do)
Your e-mail ad (one that
I can use to inform you if I've already done linking you)

added: a 468x60 banner
and 88x31 button
Disclaimer: Anime depicted on this page and all
other anime titles on this website are respectively copyrighted to their
respective owners. Exhibition of graphics and content are only for display
purposes and are non-profit.